Thank you for your unwavering love.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Thank you for your undeniable devotion.
Thank you for your compassion,
which flies freely like a dove.
Thank you for your listening ear.
Thank you for your soothing voice.
Thank you for the big hugs.
But most importantly,
thank you for being so dear.
Tis’ the season to reflect back on your life and offer thanks for the blessings you have received. As Thanksgiving rapidly approaches, many people are gearing up to celebrate with their family and friends. The preparing of food, feasting together, sharing of stories, and the overall quality time spent together, will create a lifetime of memories. But the reality is, the offering of thanks should not be limited to one season, it should be everyday. Even when times are hard, try to pinpoint one positive thing that has gone right. It will be difficult, but it is possible. When I was losing my eyesight, of course with the help of my family, I had to keep reminding myself to be thankful for what I do have instead of what I don’t. My challenge to you is every morning before you start your day, think about one thing that you are thankful for; it will impact your outlook on life and others. I will start by saying how thankful I am for my family. What are you thankful for?