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Sunday, December 6, 2009
According to different studies, there is a relationship between vision imagery in dreams, when a person becomes blind/visually impaired, and the extent to their blindness. Among the literature and studies, there was a consensus that people who are born blind/visually impaired or lose their sight at an early age have little to no imagery in their dreams. Whereas, people who lose their eyesight when they are older have visual imagery and memory of what things may look like. However, dreams are not solely based on visual aspects, but instead auditory, smell, touch, and taste can be a part of the experience as well. Dreams are all about one’s imagination and perceptions.
In terms of my own experience when it comes to dreams, I am not shocked at the fact that I still have them. However, what puzzles me is that in all of my dreams I still have my eyesight. Two signifiers that send the message I am sighted is first; I am able to see what is around me. In my dreams, I have vivid images of my family; old/new friends, scenery, etc. Secondly, I am not traveling with my white cane. I am not a dream interpreter, nor can I help but wonder what the meaning is behind my dreams. Who knows, it could be a sign that one day I might have the opportunity to regain my eyesight. Whatever the case may be, one thing remains to be true, I will never give up having hope or faith that one day my dreams will turn into a reality, and I will be able to see with my eyes again!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Blind Photography...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
1. Be aware of and avoid situations that could put you in harms way such as; dark places and abandoned areas. It is important to be aware and in tuned to your surroundings, so that predators won’t have an opportunity to take advantage of you. Specifically, being alert to what is going on around you is crucial. Try to limit the distractions that might deter your attention. Such distractions may include, but are not limited to talking on your cell phone, texting, listening to your ipod, etc.
2. Let someone know where you are going and the approximate time you expect to be back.
3. Pay attention to your body language. Send the message that you are secure and comfortable with your surroundings. Predators can pick up on a person’s fear and vulnerability.
4. Carry security apparatus such as loud alarms, pepper spray, etc. Predators do not like anything that will draw attention by others to the situation. Loud alarms will peak curiosity by people who are in the vicinity and will enhance the chances of preventing an attack.
5. Try to change up your routine and predictability. Whenever an established schedule is developed, it is easy for a predator to know your whereabouts at specific times.
6. Become engaged in a self defense class. Not only is being alert crucial, but also knowing the proper movements to take if you find yourself in a life-threatening predicament. Self-defense classes can enable a person to feel more in control of their situation and their own body. Also, karate and judo are other ways to learn how to fight off your attackers and feel more confident. Don’t worry if you are blind/visually impaired or have some other type of challenge. There are instructors who are professionally trained and knowledgeable of meeting your own individual unique needs.
These tips are supposed to serve as mere tools to enhance your feelings of confidence and control, in terms of your physical safety. Whenever I am out in public, I try to be extremely alert, because I realize that not everyone sees with their heart; such as predators. I am currently in the process of enrolling in karate classes. Enrolling in karate classes will give me a sense of feeling secure, and lessen the fear of being a vulnerable target to others. I will keep you updated on my journey through the classes. Remember to be proactive when it comes to safety by stopping predators in their tracks. Protect yourself by taking control of the situation, and not letting the situation take control of you!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A Must Read - Alive Day...
Alive Day is a part fictional story about two individuals with completely different backgrounds becoming disabled by circumstance. Brendan a psychiatrist who is blinded after a mountain fall and his patient Antwone a Marine who becomes paralyzed in the line of duty learn valuable lessons of life from each other. This inspirational story was brilliantly written by Tom Sullivan who lost his sight as an infant and coauthored by Betty White of the Golden Girls. Alive Day is about living life to its fullest and shows that with faith and love all things are possible. There are so many aspects that this book covers; the importance of family, friendships, those serving our country, faith, misconceptions, self value, love etc. It was so beautifully written that you feel the emotions of the characters...the book was definitely a heartfelt read! The most powerful line in the book for me that I will remember forever is “Everybody in life has a disability. Some disabilities seem to be more complex or more profound than others, but everybody has the same choice: you can either live life fully or you can live it feeling sorry for yourself.” Absolutely profound.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Need For Assistance
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Letting Go...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
United We Learn...
It is the Lighthouse International School in New York for the blind and sighted that puts diversity into action. For those of you who may not know, the Lighthouse International School is a nonprofit child development learning center that was established in 1905. The Lighthouse International School child development learning center not only seeks to help blind/visually impaired children through the offering of education, clinical services, and advocacy, but they offer educational experiences to sighted children as well (lighthouse.org).
Out of the fifteen story building that houses the Lighthouse International School child development learning center, the third floor is the place where joint education takes place among preschoolers (lighthouse.org). Both sighted and visually impaired/blind children embrace the differences within one another through empathy. The sighted students offer a lending hand to their peers whenever needed, while the visually impaired/blind students illustrate how learning can occur on all levels. These students do not see one another as being sighted or visually impaired/blind, but instead as human beings who are their friends.
Lighthouse International Schools’ child development learning center for sighted and blind students was featured in People Magazine and on Good Morning America. I believe that Lighthouse International School helps children learn at a young age about acceptance of people from all backgrounds and abilities. I truly believe that there should be more schools like this one because every time I go to the store, I encounter stares, peculiar treatment, and awkward questions by others. The Lighthouse International School has a waiting list every year of sighted individuals trying to get into the school. It is my hope that one day people will take a lesson from the Lighthouse International School children, which is compassion for all.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Comfort Zone...
My First Comedy Show...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Jokes, Mockery, or Marginalization?
Many jokes have been played out based upon weight, race, economic class, ability, etc. As a result, more stereotypes can arise about that particular group, causing them to be treated differently within society. When I think of jokes gone wrong, by causing pain to a person, New York Governor Paterson comes to mind.
On the hit late night show, Saturday Night Live (SNL), there was a skit depicting Governor Paterson as he is trying to find a replacement for Senator Clinton. For those of you who don’t know, Governor Paterson is legally blind. The skit mocks his disability in several ways throughout the segment. The actor who plays Governor Paterson, said he has three criteria for finding a replacement for Senator Clinton; economic experience, upstate influence, and someone who has a disability and is unprepared for the job like he is. In my opinion, it is statements like these that contribute to the discrimination, stereotypes, and high unemployment rates for visually impaired individuals. The skit on SNL went on to mock Governor Paterson by having the impersonator talk about an illustrated chart depicting job loss, while the chart was being held upside down. The SNL skit caused a lot of controversy across the nation, sparking discussion around the treatment of the disabled. Some media figures were saying how Governor Paterson has made jokes about himself in the past, what makes this skit different? It is the message behind the joke and how it is used that makes the difference. When Governor Paterson was making jokes about himself, they were not degrading or depicting a particular group to be less competent than another. Another comment that was brought on one of the morning talk shows was that blind/visually impaired individuals are being sensitive to the skit because of the heightened economic strain and there was nothing wrong with the SNL segment. In my opinion, if demanding respect is being sensitive, then I suggest opening up the dictionary and reviewing the definitions of respect, disrespect, mean, and cruel. This whole issue touches home with me because on one of my local radio stations, they were making crude and vulgar jokes about the descriptive videos for the blind. Just to illustrate the crudeness of the comments on the radio show, I was not the only one who took offense; my mom was repulsed as well. Due to the offense that I took after hearing the segment, I wrote a letter to the radio station’s director and received a response back. The director said she read the transcripts and she didn’t see anything offensive about the show. After several e-mails back and forth, I realized that the radio station was not trying to see the situation from my point of view. In addition to my e-mail, several of my friends also wrote and/or called into the station to convey their concerns. As a part of personal choice, I have not listened to the radio station since the
skit. I truly believe that laughter is one component to happiness, but not at the expense of others. It is one thing to make jokes about yourself, but it is another to use them to dehumanize others. It is jokes and comments like these that cause me to have to prove myself every time I step into a classroom or place of employment. These situations are frustrating, but it is important not to give up and remember that what impacts one person is likely to touch others as well. In addition, one person standing up for what is right, can make a world of difference for all!
Monday, June 15, 2009
We Need Our Readers...
Thanks and have a blessed day!
Beautifully Blind Inc.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Just Breathe...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
So, as I began to walk in the processional with my peers and future colleagues, I could not help but remember all of the times that were spent on the campus. In addition to my Master’s, I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Denver, as well. In other words, I have been going to school on the same campus for six years. It has been a place where I have met many challenges, but over time, I eventually overcame those obstacles. With this said, along with pride, I felt sorrow because I was saying goodbye to a chapter in my life that has helped me grow so much as a person. Now that my time on my school’s campus is over, I am now entering into another phase in my life, where I am sure I will learn a lot more life lessons.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Out of Hibernation
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Educating others is important because if their mistakes go without being challenged, then they will keep committing the same actions without thinking twice about them. On the flip side, it is also good to acknowledge other’s positive actions because it can enable them to be aware and continue to better assist people in the future. When we go to a store or out to dinner where the salesperson/waiter is in tuned to my needs, then my mom, sister, or I will praise their efforts. When anyone, especially service personnel takes the time to be helpful, then it shows me that they care and value me as a person.
Another frustration that I have come across and will be discussed are friendships. Along with losing my eyesight, I lost some of my friends, which was heartbreaking at the time. I never would have thought the people to whom I called my friends, would abandon me because of a situation that was out of my control. When things like this happen, I try to remember what my dad tells me, which is "Don’t be so quick to call everyone your friend because your true friends will stick with you through the thick and thin." For those of you who lost friends due to your blindness/visual impairment; just remember that you are a great person and those people are not worthy of your friendship.
In addition to some of my friends, my peers treated me differently from sighted students by not asking me to be in their study groups and/or not talking to me in class. I actually had one incident in class where one student physically went to everyone in the classroom and asked them to be his partner, when he got to me; he kept going and asked the person sitting next to me. When this happened, I felt really sad and alienated because I wanted to be treated like the other students. Some people feel that because I am visually impaired, I cannot do the same things as them. Another example is when one day my mom decided to play matchmaker and introduce me to this one guy on campus. Well, according to the student, it turned out that we had already had a previous class together, but he never said anything to me. When asked by my so honest mom why didn’t he talk to me, he gestured to the fact because I was blind. My mom educated him by saying, "Just because she is blind that does not mean she can’t talk to you." Let’s just say that I went on to have another class with him and he made it a point to say hello lol! The fact of the matter is that in our society, there are still people who will be clueless and/or mean when it comes to interacting with people who are different from them. One way to deal with these types of people is through education and awareness. However, even through education, some people may not want to change, and then you must treat them with a grain of salt because you are a beautiful person who deserves to be treated with respect.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm Gonna Toot Your Horn...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Place of Employment...
Unfortunately, there are preconceived notions that people have about various groups in society, such as blind/visually impaired individuals. With this in mind, there is this heightened pressure to prove others wrong and debunk the stereotypes. According to several studies, employment rates among blind/visually impaired individuals are low, due in part to employer’s attitudes. One way to set an example is by continuing to believe in yourself; mind over matter. I truly believe that our way of thinking impacts our actions, which helps determine the outcome. I know the process can be frustrating, but when one door closes, another opens. For example, my first internship was a complete stressful situation because I did not feel supported by my supervisor. I felt that there was not a lot of openness to change or modification of task completion, which left me feeling out of place.
Eventually, I left that internship and found myself without a placement. It took several months for me to find the right internship, which proved to be the best choice. But, when beginning my second internship, I was nervous because of all of the negative experiences that I had my previous placement. However, despite my nervousness, I had a mission to show the people at my new internship that I could do the work in a sufficient manner. So far, I am in my 11th month of being at my second internship and am about to close the door on this chapter in my life, so I can open a new one. My request to you all, sighted or blind/visually impaired individuals, is to not give up and keep believing in yourself because you are a unique person who deserves nothing but the best in life. Plus, not only are you a unique individual, but you are also an inspiration to others around you. You never know who is watching you and in admiration of your daily actions!
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's All Good...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Programs, Programs, Programs
Window Eyes, Jaws, and other text to speech programs have transformed technology in ways that allow the blind/visually impaired individuals to have access to materials, programs, internet, etc. With our world moving more into the technological way of doing things, text to speech programs allow blind/visually impaired individuals to take part in the uprising trends. I personally use Window Eyes and love it because the key strokes are easier to learn. I have Window Eyes downloaded on my computer, to which I take to class and type my notes. However, when I take my computer to class, I make sure I have my headphones because I don’t think my Professor wants to be competing with my Window Eyes, lol. The fact is, without my Window Eyes program, it would be a lot harder for me to perform the daily tasks at school and my internship.
Although Window Eyes is a great tool to have, like other technology, it does not work with a lot of programs. Being in school, I found out how difficult it is to navigate visual programs such as the graphs/charts in Microsoft and the statistical program, SPSS. When my Window Eyes program does not work, it can be frustrating because there is the need to get the task accomplished. In addition, it can be difficult explaining visual programs to sighted individuals, especially when Window Eyes is not working properly. For example, when trying to explain the SPSS program, it was hard because without my Window Eyes working properly, it was like I had to navigate through the menus without any sound; just memory. It is also hard for me to try to explain something without actually being able to do it. When helping others, especially a person using a text to speech program, it is important for sighted individuals to have patience and understanding.
Beautifully Blind Inc.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Never Give Up...
I can honestly say that I grieved over the loss of my eyesight by experiencing shock, sadness, and eventually, acceptance. What helped me to cope with my situation, was knowing that I could express my feelings to my family and have them listen. However, although my family listened to me with a compassionate ear, they enabled me not to feel sorry for myself. Over time, I accepted the reality of my situation and began asking myself what am I going to do to overcome the devastation of the change within my life? In my case, the answer was returning back to school. I enjoy learning and being knowledgeable about a variety of issues. In addition, continuing my education and obtaining the goals I set for myself. Enrolling back in college, allowed me to continue on my path of one day being able to help others. Throughout my education, I realized that not only was I learning from the professors, but they were gaining knowledge and experience from me about teaching students who are blind. Many of my professors have told me that I have helped them have a new perspective on teaching and they will carry that on with them in future classes. As a person who is blind, I realized that a lot of my co-workers, friends, peers, and professors have learned a lot from my experiences. For example, one of my friends wanted to hang out with me, but she was hesitant in asking me to go see a movie because she didn’t think it would be fun for me. After my friend had professed her feelings, I told her that I go to movies all of the time and I enjoy going to the theatres. As a matter of fact, I still engage in a lot of the same activities that I once did before; the only difference is in the way I do them. Some activities that I enjoy are listening to audio books, going to the movies, playing computer games, hanging out with family/friends, and going shopping. Whatever your interests are, try to find some alternate ways where you can still enjoy them. It is important to remember that everyone is an individual who copes differently and at different paces. The point is that we all have some inner strength within us, and as my mom always says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Stevie Wonder once said, “We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.” Everyone has the potential to overcome their obstacles; it’s just finding that inner strength to do so.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Blind Dating….
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Blindness in the Media...
In past decades and especially in today’s society, the media such as television, films, documentaries, etc. have impacted people’s perceptions, such as the way he/she views others. The media is a source of information that can influence a person to think one way or another; which can be both a positive and a negative at the same time. For example, the media can either debunk or enhance society’s stereotypes about various groups such as blind/visually impaired individuals.
With the huge presence of the media in mind, I decided to conduct some research on the amount of television shows that have depicted blind/visually impaired individuals and the messages that are being conveyed. Out of all the major networks such as, NBC, ABC, and CBS, I found that only one of these three networks portrayed blindness through a main character. The network that has depicted blindness on more than one occasion is ABC with 4 shows. Although NBC/CBS also had blind/visually impaired characters on some of their shows, the parts were guest roles and the storyline was not ongoing. In ABC’s General Hospital, One Life to Live, and Desperate House Wives, at least one of the main characters, who were once sighted, suddenly lost their eyesight. The duration of the blindness for these characters was a part of the storyline for months, but not a whole season. The blindness was lifted from these characters due to a surgery that restored their sight. The fact is that many blind/visually impaired individuals are unable to regain their eyesight; however, that does not mean hope has subsided. I still have hope of one day being able to see again.
In terms of ABC’s 4th show, Blind Justice was a sitcom solely based off a blind detective who again, was once sighted, but suddenly lost his eyesight. What sets this drama a part from the other shows, is that this one is based off of the blind character and the weekly storylines are about his experiences. In my opinion, the show had a lot of positive representations, but also gave way to some stereotypes that persist in today’s society. Blind Justice started running in the 2nd week in March of 2005 and was taken off the air in June of that same year. All in all, my findings found that ABC had the most shows with depictions of blind/visually impaired individuals. However, if you can think of anymore shows or want to add any comments, please do so!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Poll #2....
A person that is blind can do any of the activities listed in the poll: ski, golf, bowl, swim, appreciate art, horseback ride, go to the movies, go to an amusement park and go to a concert. Golf and appreciate art did not receive any votes. There is the United States Blind Golf Association and their moto is “you don’t have to see it to tee it!” There are many museums that have art that can be touched; art can also be described and there are blind photographers as well! Those that are visually impaired or totally blind can lead normal and fulfilling lives just as those who are sighted.
I do fun stuff with my sister Robin all of the time. We had the most fun when we got her to go on Space Mountain at Disneyland...I tricked her by telling her it was the Pirates of the Caribbean boat ride. I know…I know I should be ashamed of myself for lying to her. But I’m not! She had the ride of her life! LOL! Afterwards she said she had a blast! My sister and I go to the movies all the time, my 6 year old likes to sit next to my sister and describe to her what’s on the screen. It’s funny because my daughter Imani doesn’t quite have the whispering voice down so we always have to tell her to lower her voice! For the most part people don’t mind…however there was one incident that happened a couple of years after Robin went blind that was just heart wrenching. We had gone to see the Passion of the Christ. The movie was in a different languages, I think Aramaic, Hebrew and Latin so there were captions; I was trying to describe the movie and read the captions to Robin, although I was whispering into Robin’s ear what was going on some people near us got irritated…to see the tears stream down my sister’s face because she couldn’t enjoy something as simple as a movie was just so hard to bear. We later bought the DVD because it was descriptive and she was able to watch it at home. Luckily a lot of movies we see now are comedies and are loud anyway so noone notices me describing to Robin. She pretty much just follows the story line. The scenes that I have to describe are the non-verbal scenes. A group of us got together to go see Sex and the City…loved it! However, there was a lot of non-verbal scenes that I just refused to describe to my baby sister…so I just told her “by the sounds of what you hear, I’m sure you know what is going on!” She’d just say “yeah, I got it, no need for you to describe it!” Whew thank goodness!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Niece's Love...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Blizzard '09...
I find it very interesting to listen to the various sounds within the world, especially the noises of nature. Riding home from my internship with my colleague, who is also my neighbor, I could hear the snow flakes falling briskly against the windshield, as the wipers swished back and forth to wipe them away. The sound of the wipers and the snow falling made a weird rhythmic movement as we drove along the streets. In addition, the sound of the tires trudging through the snow became apparent as we tried to maneuver our way through the blizzard. The hums of the wind, snow falling, windshield wipers swishing, and cars tracking in the snow, made the journey home intriguing. However, one sound that no one wants to hear, especially a visually impaired person, is the driver saying that they can’t see either! LOL! The windshield had fogged and the visibility was difficult because of all of the snow. After hearing my neighbor say this, I was thinking to myself, well that’s great, two people who can’t see the road in a blizzard! Whoa! My neighbor thought about what she said and mentioned that she probably should not have told me that…yeah, that’s the last thing a blind person wants to hear LOL! Luckily, the windshield cleared up and we slowly continued on our adventure.
Once we made it to our destination, I felt like jumping for joy that we made it safely and I thanked my neighbor. However, once I got out of the car, my thanks to my neighbor was cut short, as the snow flakes were hitting my face at what it felt like to be 100mph. I tried to pull my hood over my hair, but that did not help a whole lot I was drenched from the cold wet snow. As I walked, my boots started to fill with snow and my feet began to get that tingling feeling; which made me realize that I need to invest in some new boots. In addition, I find it hard to use my cane in the snow, especially when there is a lot of it because that darn thing kept getting stuck! With the snow hitting my face, filling my shoes, toes tingling, and the stiff brisk air which made it hard for me to actually breathe, my other senses definitely let me know I was in a blizzard!
We Appreciate Our Beautiful Readers....
Many Thanks!
Beautifully Blind
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Reveal of the Poll...
Today is the reveal of the poll! What do you think is the most misconception of the visually impaired? As we know these are all misconceptions, however the most believed misconception is that the other senses of the visually impaired are heightened. The fact is people with normal sight ignore their other senses because we have sight to compensate. But blind individuals depend more on their other senses because they need to use them in order to compensate for their blindness. Now, to dispel the other misconceptions! Coming in second on our poll is the visually impaired do not care about style or fashion. I don’t know about anyone else but my sister cares about what she has on and is picky about what she wears! I’m quite sure other visually impaired people do to…although they can not see the items can be described to them. Robin has her own individual style, quite different from mine. She’s into more of the laid back and casual style while I’m into the grown and sexy style (smile)! My sister subscribes to all types of fashion magazines which she gets on tape or reads using her scanner/screen reader. She also knows what’s in style or what the new trend is from the internet or television, yes she watches tv...well listens to it! She even goes to the movies…we’ll talk about that in another blog (I have a funny story about the movies…imagine trying to describe a no words Samantha scene from Sex and the City to your younger sister WOO!). Coming in third there’s a tie between they are mentally challenged and they cannot be independent. Well, to dispel these misconceptions my sister Robin is graduating in June with her Master’s Degree in Social Work. She goes to school and is involved in an internship. There are many centers for the blind that teach them the tools to live and travel independently. Individuals that are blind or visually impaired can lead as full a life as anyone else as long at they are allotted proper training and equally opportunities. Many view their blindness as a physical nuisance and not a disability. In fourth place is that the visually impaired is hard of hearing. Obviously sight has nothing to do with hearing…Robin’s always wondering why people talk extra loud! Robin can’t see but she can definitely hear; she’s always eavesdropping on my conversations LOL! And the only time she’s hard of hearing is when it’s selective and she doesn’t want to do something you’ve asked her LOL! Lastly, is that they have to wear those ugly black sunblockers. The need for any type of sunglasses depends on the individual’s situation and preferences. Robin occasionally wears a pair of black Jackie O style sunglasses, not because she needs to, but because she thinks she’s cute! Hope this poll helped answer some questions, dispel some misconceptions and bridge the gap between the sighted and the beautifully blind!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Difference...
As a sighted person, I took for granted the fact that I was able to look outside my window at the trees, cars passing by, and birds flying above. It’s a true reality, you never know what you have, until it’s gone. Although I do not have my eyesight, I am grateful for the fact that I can walk, talk, hear; some advantages that some people do not have. All in all, I challenge you to take a step back, and ask yourself, what would it be like to navigate in the world without…
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mainstream Making Products Accessible...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thank Goodness for Technology...
Anyway, to shed some light into some of the technology that helps me, I’ll first talk about my computer. I have a basic laptop that I take with me to school and my internship. In order to enable me to use my computer, I bought and downloaded a text to speech program called Window Eyes. So, for sighted individuals, whatever you see on the screen, my computer announces it verbally. With my computer, I am able to write papers, read materials, surf the internet, and most importantly, interact with you all on this wonderful site.
My second gadget that I use is my talking watch. At the touch of a button, my watch verbally announces the time, has a stop watch, and has an alarm clock. However, when I use my talking watch, I must remember that along with myself, people around me can tell when I am checking the time, so in meetings, I would recommend a braille watch. When it comes to watches for the blind, there are limited choices and styles to choose from. With this said, many of the watches for the blind are big/bulky or they only come in black. Thanks to my sister’s investigating, she found me a stylish watch that came in my favorite color, pink.
The third gadget is my color decoder, which helps me recognize various colors of my clothes. This electronic is definitely important because I have to maintain my sense of style. Yes, I care about what I look like...I may be blind to sight but not to style! Matching clothes is very important to me. I would know if I wasn't looking oh so fab by the snickers of the sighted passing by! So, when I wake up in the morning, I pull out my color decoder, hold it up to the piece of clothing, and it verbally announces the color. Still, like all forms of technology, it malfunctions sometimes, so I always double check with my mom or whoever is around to make sure I have the right outfit. I also double check myself by feeling my clothes, however I have multiple shirts that are the same, but in different colors.
I could go on forever talking about the various gadgets that help me in my daily routine, which it probably seems as though I have already done so. But, instead of going into depth, I am just going to list the other gadgets that I use, which consist of my tape recorder, talking cell phone, personal organizer, cup sensor, and a motion sensor. All of the gadgets mentioned above have impacted my life and others by causing them to be startled when they hear all of the strange voices/noises that my nifty electronics bring with them! LOL! So if you hear a lot of strange sounds going off no need to be alarmed there's probably just a cane user in the room that's beautifully blind!
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Sister, My Inspiration...
I would question why this had to happen to her and if I could I would trade places with her so she could experience life with sight. God has a plan and He will not put on us more than we can bear. Through Robin I have learned that anything is possible and anything you put hard work and your mind to can be achieved.
Entering into the Unknown...
I built up a false sense of hope that I would be able to return to my old routine of living life. Well, when six months passed and then one year, I realized that my hope to see again was becoming less of a reality for me. I was losing a major sense that I was heavily dependent on to help me function and maneuver within society. I lost my ability to drive my car, watch the changing of seasons, view scenery, and simply just having the ability to physically look at others that stood before me. I could go on forever talking about the things I miss doing when I had my eyesight, but the point is that my life has changed for as long as I know, and I must make the best out of my situation. The white cane that I use to guide me is not only a tool to signify to society that I am blind, but it is also a representation to me of what I have gone through and will face in the future; a life with no sight.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Beginning of the Journey...
Since Robin became blind 7 years ago it has brought great awareness of the misconceptions between the sighted and visually impaired world. Some encounters that we've had were hilarious; like when Robin let go of my arm in a crowd in New Orleans, grabbed hold of someone else's arm and I had to go get her! It's also funny when people think Robin's a snob when she doesn't move out of the way or speak; they have no clue that she can't see and has no idea that they are there! LOL! Then there's those instances that make me so mad; like when she asks someone a question and they respond to me...she's blind, not deaf or mentally challenged! The worst is when people clearly see her cane and will not move out of the way. I tell her all the time she has the green light to cut loose on some ankles LOL!!! If they don't want to move, tear those ankles up with that cane! LOL! The majority of the time I forget Robin's visually impaired. She does pretty much everything a sighted person does; except drive and arch her eyebrows! She tried and what a travesty that was; thank goodness they grow back quickly! My sister is beautifully blind!